We invite you to explore our collection of user-contributed content, including videos, articles, case studies, and experience reports, all centered around the topic of digital maturity. We hope you find this collection informative and valuable.
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Email us at sg@dma.works!
Briefing Productivity Tools in Healthcare and Social Care: Challenges and OpportunitiesBriefing
A recording of our 10th October briefing session on productivity tools in health and social care.
Management Systems in Healthcare and Social Care – Event Debrief
Thanks to everyone who attended last Thursday’s briefing session. A video of the session and our one-pager on this topic can be downloaded here.
Digital Maturity in Health Service Organisations
Kathrin Cresswell from Edinburgh University discusses digital maturity challenges and concepts in healthcare systems.
Uwe Buddrus on the Importance of the DMA
Uwe Buddrus discusses the current landscape of Digital Maturity Assessments and the possible benefits on a national and organisational basis.